ImageBuilders Adds News Blog to Licensed Sites – Lake Havasu

What is a Blog?
Merriam-Webster defines Blog as, a noun short for Weblog: a website that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments and often hyperlinks provided by the writer. A blog is without a doubt, Instant Publishing! A weblog, or blog for short, is essentially your online journal, and blogging means that you are writing or updating your weblog with information about your business niche, topic or theme. When someone visits your blog, they will see your most recently published article first, with the older ones listed below in descending chronoligical order.

picturePrior to full-blown Blog software, the options for interactive communication via the Internet were narrow and problematical. First was e-mail. Instant messaging, followed by Chatrooms solved some of the problems. Chatrooms enabled people of similar interests to come together to read and relate to each other’s posted messages. The Blog, however, has many advantages over these formats, while retaining some useful core aspects of them all.

Advantages of a Blog on your Web Site

What bloggers have yet failed to achieve, is clearly communicate and explain the power these tools offer to the non-technical person. Blogs can cater to niche audiences, and your Custom Blog will be Category specific, and relevant or tailored to your business. – Lake Havasu

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