Urgent Press Release
for ALL Texas Anglers
Important Public Hearing you MUST attend!Tuesday, November 15th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Lone Star Convention Center, 9055 Airport Road (FM 1484) Conroe, Texas
Conroe, hydrilla, and grass carp are five words that when used
together, will get many bass anglers blood pressure rising. Between
September 1981 and September 1982, 270,000 non-sterile diploid grass
carp were introduced into Lake Conroe to control 9000 acres of aquatic
vegetation (hydrilla). By October 1983 all vegetation had been removed
from the lake. As a result, fishing suffered for decades. A massive
effort by TPWD, and angling groups began in the mid 1990’s to
reestablish desirable native vegetation in Lake Conroe and today we
have many acres of good aquatic habitat which promotes good bass
reproduction. The fruits of our labor are evident by recent outstanding
tournament results.
A new threat Hydrilla was rediscovered in
the lake in 1996 and has been kept under control with aquatic herbicide
until now. Hydrilla is making a comeback in Lake Conroe and has
increased quickly to 868 acres as of September 2005. TPWD and SJRA have
developed a plan to control the hydrilla based on the principles of
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) within the scope of the TPWD State
Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan.
The objective of the plan are as follows:
To reduce as much as practical hydrilla infestations in Lake Conroe
while minimizing damage to stands of native vegetation.
· To
maintain a healthy lake ecosystem and fishery in Lake Conroe while
providing access for recreational activities on the Lake.
The Problem
lakefront property owners believe that Lake Conroe is their own private
swimming pool. They will be out in force to send TPWD their message. Stock
grass carp, remove all hydrilla, and native species of vegetation in
developed portions of the lake (2/3 of the lake is developed) Here is what homeowners are saying.
The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and the San Jacinto River Authority have scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, November 15th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Lone Star Convention Center, 9055 Airport Road (FM 1484) to discuss the future for Lake Conroe. This is your opportunity to make comments which can SAVE LAKE CONROE and protect your property values.
large group of hydrilla enthusiasts will be present and they will try
to prevent the introduction of White Amur (Chinese Grass Carp) which
can prevent the destruction of Lake Conroe
caused by exotic aquatic vegetation. We need at least 1200 property
owners to attend this hearing to let TP&WD and SJRA know we are
willing to get involved to protect the value of our property.
you do not attend this hearing, you will have no one to blame but
yourself when the value of your property is significantly reduced.
Please bring 5 of your neighbors with you on November 15th!”
Send Lake Conroe Homeowners a message and attend this public hearing.
-Tell TPWD not to allow grass carp to devastate habitat and native vegetation.
-Tell them anglers support TPWD management objectives for Lake Conroe.
-Tell them habitat and healthy aquatic ecosystems are just as important as property values.
-Tell every angler you know, Bring 10 members of your bass club, We need 1200 anglers
For more information and current updates visit http://www.texas-bass.com/cons
Important information will be posted shortly – Lake Havasu
– Lake Havasu