Remote-Controlled Hunting – Lake Havasu

I’m sure you are already aware of a new type of “hunting” being offered – remote-controlled hunting – but you may not be aware that Texas Parks & Wildlife will be considering a regulatory proposal at its next meeting on January 26, 2005. Following the meeting public comment will be accepted on the Internet from March 1 to April 6, 2005. Final regulations will be adopted April 7, 2005.

The web site running the Internet based hunts can be found at

Texas Parks & Wildlife’s comment can be found at…emotehunt/#regs

As Internet hunting is likely to spread across the entire U.S. if not the world at Internet speed, I would encourage all of us to make our voice heard as quickly as possible. The negative ramifications of this type of “hunting” will only add fuel to the Anti-Hunters, turn those that are neutral to hunting against us, and denigrate an ancient sport that so many of us love.

I can only classify this as the first, true “Bloodsport” computer game, and that is all it is – a game. It completely removes the hunter from the hunt – physically, emotionally and spiritually. In addition it removes any “sporting chance” game has in detecting and avoiding the hunter, a big part of any hunt.

I will certainly expect a greater degree of wounded game from this type of “hunting” as the “hunter” will have no knowledge of the specific weapon being used, weather conditions, ballistics, game being hunted, etc.

Please pass this along to all interested persons and encourage them to comment on the proposal to Texas Parks & Wildlife at the appropriate time. – Lake Havasu

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